Advantages of Mechanical Seals
Learn from our President and CEO, Dennis Noyes, and Vice President, Ben Brocker, to gain insight into the different types of mechanical seals!
Watch now!
#CBEquipment #MechanicalSeals #MechanicalSealEquipment
How to Choose the Right Mechanical Seal!
How to Choose the Right Mechanical Seal!
Watch the video below to learn about component seals and cartridge seals and what might be best for your application.
#CBEquipment #CartridgeSeals #ComponentSeals
Applications for an Oil-Free Compressor
There are many applications for an oil-free compressor. Learn more about the oil-free compressor and it's applications in this video.
DIP System Installation
Meet your new wastewater sewer solution, the Direct In-Line Pump, or DIP System. Reduce costs and increase the performance of your pump stations by converting your existing wet wells. Watch the video and find out what makes the DIP System different from other sewer systems.
What is Head in Relation to Sizing Pumps?
Static head or dynamic head? How is this relative to sizing a pump? Watch here to find out.
Compressed Air Audit
A compressed air audit can help determine your uses and needs to determine whether you need a fixed speed or a variable speed compressor and what size compressor is needed. Watch the video below to learn more about this process.
Can I use bio-diesel fuel in industrial engines
Have you ever wondered if you can use bio-diesel fuel in industrial engines? Matthew Trout of C&B Equipment discusses the use of bio-diesel fuels and the effects it can have. Watch here to learn more.
C&B DIP System
We talk about the DIP System often, but do you really know what it is? Watch here to find out more.
Do Mechanical Seals Leak?
Jeff Shinkle discusses mechanical seals and how they are managed to minimize environmental impact.
How to Deal With Friction Loss
Jeff Shinkle talks about friction loss, and what people often fail to consider with their applications. Learn about this topic and more at